Being Black and the hardship that comes with it…

Equal Rainbows
2 min readNov 30, 2020
Being Black and the hardship that comes with it...

As far as I know, this is the first time we are discussing sexual assault against black women. Unfortunately, I am pretty sure that was just his way of putting us on blastI remember being in high school and I had a girl who decided she was going to run a meeting of the female students and let us know when she was ready. I was excited — I knew she was pretty but I didn’t know if I wanted to watch her run a meeting or be the new girl who got shoved into bed

I logged onto YouTube and was browsing during the evening lecture time sessions. I saw her talking about how uncomfortable she was with the whole thing. She was deep in thought and talking about how uncomfortable she was made her body out to be

I’m not sure what exactly was going on in her mind but there was no way she was going to stand for this. Not in a place like that. Not when her feelings were involved. Not after what had happened earlier that dayI couldn’t even imagine what that day was doing for her. It had taken place the day before she had gone to the teacher’s office and told them what had happened and she was sure that the boys would be punishedAnd they weren’t. Not even reprimanded. She got to keep her diploma

Why did she have to drop out? It didn’t make any sense. There was no doubt about it. But what was worse was that these children, this was before the days of Black Lives Matter and the awareness it brought to the issue of racism and police brutality against black people.

